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2017 New Oregon State Legislation Signed by Governor Kate Brown

Susan Toribara, Ticor Title

SB 277 Increases notice period for termination of rental agreement and removal of manufactured dwelling or floating home.

SB 311 Authorizes city or county to adopt ordinance or resolution providing property tax exemption to commercial, industrial and multifamily buildings built before January 1, 1993, that will be seismically retrofitted, for period not to exceed 15 years.

SB 381 Requires certain notices related to real estate loans to be mailed to all addresses on file for recipient, including post office boxes.

SB 677 Establishes standards for establishment of cider businesses on land zoned for exclusive farm use or on land zoned for mixed farm and forest use.

SB 769 Provides that person may not dispose of, or transfer to another person for disposal, material or media that display Social Security number unless person, before disposing of material or media, makes Social Security number unreadable or unrecoverable or ensures that person that ultimately disposes of media or material makes Social Security number unreadable or unrecoverable.

HB 2140 Requires seller of real property to disclose seismic risk in seller's property disclosure statement.

HB 2189 Establishes statute of repose for actions arising out of real estate appraisal activity.

HB 2359 Removes requirement for beneficiary in trust deed to send, and Attorney General to receive, copy of notice that beneficiary has denied grantor's eligibility for foreclosure avoidance measure.

HB 2510 Authorizes commercial tenant to install on premises and use electric vehicle charging station.

HB 2511 Authorizes residential tenant to install on premises and use electric vehicle charging station for personal, noncommercial use.

HB 2562 Requires lender that has contract with person for reverse mortgage to send person or escrow agent, title insurance company or other agent that pays property taxes on person's behalf notice that states that title to property that is subject to reverse mortgage remains with person and person is responsible for paying property taxes and related taxes on property.

HB 2724 Directs Housing and Community Services Department to develop and implement Rent Guarantee Program to provide incentives and financial assistance to landlords that rent or lease to low income households by guaranteeing payments to landlords for unpaid rent and for eviction and property damage costs within certain limits.

HB 2855 Creates procedure for purchaser of real property to enforce contractual requirement for delivery of deed of conveyance without instituting suit or action.

HB 2912 Establishes Affordable Housing Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program within Housing and Community Services Department to make loans to eligible organizations to purchase land for affordable housing development and to provide supportive services to residents and low income households.

HB 2944 Limits landlord assistance under Housing Choice Landlord Guarantee Program to damages awarded in judgment following hearing in which landlord proves amount of damages.

HB 3175 Makes changes to definition of "low income households" in Local Innovation and Fast Track Housing Program.

Researched by Susan Toribara:

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